Faced with deterioration of visual function, many people try to regain the ability to see clearly by any means, without resorting to surgical intervention. Eye exercises can help restore vision.
Eye exercises
Faced with deterioration of visual function, many people try to regain the ability to see clearly by any means, without resorting to surgical intervention. Eye exercises can help restore vision.
Specialists confirm the positive result for restoring vision from eye gymnastics, which includes the following set of exercises:
one of the main gymnastic movements is called palming. Already at the beginning of the classes there is a dynamics of improvement. It is easy to perform training manipulations. The client needs to cover his eyes with warm hands for five minutes, while being calm and relaxed;
moving the gaze in different directions: up-down, left-right, diagonal movements. The duration of the procedure is individual, until the eyes get tired. Periodic blinking is allowed, so the eyes experience less strain;
you should draw various geometric figures, spiral, circles. Repeat a couple of times;
for the next exercise you will need a candle. The eyelids are lowered, head tilts in different directions, while it is necessary to follow the flame. Thus, the shadow alternates with the light;
find a point on the glass, for example, on the window. First you should concentrate on the point, then look into the distance;
focus training is achieved by alternating the direction of the gaze from a large object to a small one.
In order to determine the optimal set of exercises that will help to improve visual function, it is necessary to consult a competent specialist.